World Building, Day 12

I started doing this world-building exercise I found online here : And I have to say it’s going pretty well. Of course, since I have more time on my hands I’m not doing it day by day. I started yesterday and am currently at Day 12. But it’s a good starting point for a world. It asks some of the questions that I’d forgotten to think about. While I’m sure I would have eventually figured them out, it probably would have been, oh, 10,000 words into the story when I realized I needed to go back and fix everything. I’ll be interested to see how much the upfront work will affect the writing process. I’m a compulsive planner in any event, so this might just calm the neurosis down enough for me to get on with work.
So far, I have a basic map, climate, economy, political systems, exports, imports, recent history, languages, and people. Now if only I had a concrete story.

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